
Improving Customer Communication

“When all other means of communication fail, try words.”


Having strong communication skills is important (imperative) for your business success. Positive communication increases the number of opportunities you’ll encounter, and enables you to get ahead in areas where others less assertive or articulate may not succeed.

Things to look (out) for to improve communication skills:

  1. YOUR BODY LANGUAGE: Don’t shy away. Maintain a relaxed but not slouching posture, whether you’re listening or talking. Ensure your body is communicating your attentiveness – this includes eye contact (not staring), while nodding occasionally to show you’re paying close attention. Never cross your arms as it looks defensive or combative. Avoid nervous, bad habits, such as wringing your hands, picking your nails, anything the other person could construe a distraction or insult. 
  1. YOUR SPEECH: Be clear and concise. Get to the point on important matters quickly. Don’t waste time with boring, drawn-out stories. Ask often if they understand your viewpoint. Be willing to re-explain or embellish any of it. Don’t expect someone to just “know” what you’re saying, even if it is crystal clear in your own mind.
  1. ATTENTIVENESS: The most important aspect of effective communication is active listening. This is not just patiently waiting to talk. Make mental notes of key points when someone is speaking to you. Once you are given a chance to speak, think of the exact words they’re saying – you’ll comprehend more information, and better communicate… using their
  1. CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION: It’s not just the quality (content, verbiage) of your communication, but how often you communicate. In many businesses, communication has dwindled to small talk. Don’t be afraid to voice concerns or difficulties. Be open and honest, bold but tactful. Prevent small issues from becoming bigger ones by making everyone aware that you’re open to discussing issues any time.
  1. PATIENCE PLEASE: Give the other person time to communicate their issues. Communication lines break down where impatience is obvious. If you’re confused about what someone may be asking, repeat what you think they said; ask if that is correct. This will inspire the speaker to be in-depth, exact about their needs.
  1. FOLLOW-UP: When someone voices a problem or issue, your priority should be to correct it. Following-up quickly will convince others you’ve listened … that their concerns are most important. This creates loyalty and confidence in you, and greater buy-in. All of which cultivates an even more positive work environment.

Great communication skills take practice. Don’t give up! Your ability to express yourself will grow almost daily so long as you apply yourself and practice improving all of your communication skills. Effective communication is truly one of the best investments a person can do in his or her business career.